Fiction Hub
This is the home of my short stories.
Leftovers is a piece submitted as my 1st year fiction assignment at Birkbeck and is just over 3000 words. The story was inspired by some of the people I saw on a daily basis walking to work in London.
Lilian, Oxfordshire is a piece I submitted as coursework for my second year at Birkbeck. It is a piece which I always knew would develop into much more and so Lilian’s tale will feature later in the novel which I started for my final year dissertation. That novel which I plan to become a series, is in continued development in the hope, one day, it will be published. So, in the form found here Lilian’s story is the start of her own, subsequent, novel. It is a story of regeneration, magic and portals and will form part of the series ‘Lightning Thread’.